Favorite Five Friday (113th Edition)

22 May

Hey-o! There’s only a few hours left so I better make this quick. 😉 Here’s the highlight reel for my week…


1.  I am officially a UCB Improv 101 Grad! My classmates and I got to perform a graduation show to show off our new skills, and it was a total blast. We put ourselves out there, we listened, we supported one another. It could not have been any better. I can’t tell you how much fun I had taking this class. I learned so much about myself as an actor and a person. I met awesome people. I was brave. You better believe I will be taking more classes in the future.


2.  Here are a few more thoughts on my Improv experience… (click the link)!


3.  New apartment! Oh my goodness, guys. It happened. We moved. Our new apartment is bright and airy, spacious, gets cell signal, and will make a great home for a new cat some day soon. 🙂 We are still settling in, but it’s pretty fantastic.


4.  We are so lucky to have friends who are willing to help us move! Dan and I never could have done it alone. Thank you, thank you to our besties for getting up early and spending their day moving us into our new place.


5.  Burbank, amiright?! We are absolutely loving our new neighborhood. Our complex is quiet, our neighbors are kind, and there is so much to do! I love living within walking distance of great shops, restaurants, and friends. I can’t wait to explore all Burbank has to offer. I think we’re gonna like it here.

Happy Friday! 

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